Legal Notice

IILS Ingenieurgesellschaft für Intelligente Lösungen und Systeme mbH

Albstrasse 6
72818 Trochtelfingen

Phone: +49 (0) 711 217 210 0

Managing directors: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Arnold und Dr.-Ing. Roland Weil
Court of registration: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 20422
VAT ID number pursuant to Section 27a VAT Act: DE 203557532

Professional title and regulations

Legal professional title and state in which the professional title was awarded:

Regulations under professional law:
Professional code of conduct (Berufsordnung)
Engineering Act (Ingenieurgesetz - IngG)
Chamber of Engineers Act (Ingenieurkammergesetz - IngKammG)
Available at:

Out-of-Court dispute resolution

For the amicable settlement of disputes arising from the practice of the profession between members of the Chamber or between them and third parties, the Arbitration Committee can be called upon in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Engineers.